NEWS: A New Spanish Fly King In Town

Apr 14, 2020
Sex is quite fascinating. Freud loved it, and so does the next guy or girl. So why aren’t we bothered when we lose interest in it, or everything seems dull in the bedroom? If things have become dull...

Quick Ejaculation

Mar 9, 2018
Defining premature ejaculation. Premature ejaculation is defined as ejaculation that happens right after penetration. In some instances, this can be before penetration. It is normally uncontrollable a...

What the Meaning of Spanish Fly Implies

Oct 14, 2016
Now, let´s talk about Spanish Fly, shall we? It is an aphrodisiac which has become quite a phenomenon. But why? Well, this is a question you are probably asking yourself and you probably want to answ...